Windows Users Have Fewer Vulnerabilities
... than Linux users, says a Forrester report. Hmm, really?
Posted by Ashish Shetty | Permalink
Ideas on software and elsewhere by Ashish Shetty: erstwhile chimp and occasional re-inventor of the wheel. I work as a program manager on the Windows team at Microsoft.
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Reading through the PDF, I see one fundamental flaw: they assume that every flaw issued for RedHat et al. is a "Linux" vulnerability. Many of those are applications that are not installed in a standard distribution. Even if they are high risk, they may not ever be used - especially in a server environment.
On windows, however, there are far fewer packages (explaining only 128 vulnerabilities), of which most would be installed and are in things like the MSHTML component, or IIS - and affect basically every system out there.
I'd like to see default server installs compared here and see what a difference it makes - or are they talking about desktops as well? I found it hard to tell the difference in the article, but it should be as its a completely different environment.
Brett Porter, at September 18, 2004 at 3:49 PM
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